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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Carousel mules and other novelties.

If you like carousel thingys and merry-go-round whatsits, take yourself over to the National Carousel Association webpage for a tour through the census photos. Farmwife likes carousel figures because she is a horse lover, and as such she loves horse art, and as useable art the antique carousel horse serves nicely. She also likes carousel mules, because she is a mule lover and by the same reasoning. There are carousel figures to mimic every animal resident of Bent Barrow Farm, but in the interest of time I'll leave it to you to discover your own chickens, cats, and dogs. They're out there. 

FarmWife inherited an early 20th century Allen Herschell carousel horse not too long ago, and she's tickled by the idea of attempting a quality restoration in the future. For now, it hangs in the foyer (pictured above with her birthday flowers from yours truly). Someday, perhaps she will paint it seal brown to match me, Fenway Bartholomule.

Dentzel Mule
Muller Goat
Dentzel Minimules
Herschell Trojan Jumper


  1. Farmwife has excellent taste! Those are wonderful!

  2. did you see the convention in Spokane? Definately the place to start when it comes to restoration of your horse

    One of the BB's I belong to has a member who restors figures for a living. The wood needs to be done carefully and she advocates using no metal in the joints, only wood joinery ( is that the proper term?)

  3. Those are beautiful. I love carousel horses, but have you ever noticed they always are avoiding the bit and looking rather pee oed. I love them anyway. :)


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!