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Monday, September 24, 2018

Five goals of this blog

Alison Fennell art
I'll tell you a secret—I've always wanted to be an advice columnist. If you need advice, send me your questions.

The advice column dream notwithstanding, I do have four goals in mind for this blog:

1) Share a little of the joy and humor that I experience every day at the hands and paws of my beautiful family.

2) Flex my writing muscles again, as I have come to miss the creative boost I experience when I have a daily blogging habit.

3) Deepen my roots here at the Ark—a new house for me, but one in which I'm starting to feel at home.

4) Provide fodder for my third book. My first book was a children's story, published a few years ago with illustrator Alison Fennell (she illustrated the bunny above). My second book is in progress, working title Shine. It's mostly about Fenway Bartholomule, but also about me.

What do YOU want from this blog? Anecdotes on the animal family? Home improvement updates? Family status reports? Poetry, psychology, gratitude, angst? Advice? You got it.

It's good to be back.

With appreciation,


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!