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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Mama, why are you so boring?

Robin: "Mama, why are you so boring?"

Mama: "Because I have a lot of jobs."

I'm writing this morning to share the very happy news that I am transitioning into the Communications Manager role at Whidbey Institute, a South Whidbey organization dedicated to work in leadership transformation, sustainable action, and community vitalization. After my first day on the job I can say with utter conviction that the people, place, and work are inspiring and beautiful.

I'm continuing in my half-time role at the Humane Society of Skagit Valley as Webmaster/Publications Editor, but stepping back from my broad role at the Timber Framers Guild (though I will continue as their newsletter layout editor for the immediate future, as it's work I very much enjoy). I am officially closing my poetry order form and getting out of the freelancing business. Robin, that should make me a little less boring! Just give me a week or two to tie up loose ends and then you'll have your fun and flexible mama back. I promise.

This is a very exciting change. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!