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Sunday, May 6, 2012

A wizard

Like me, my human Grandpa Tim holds phenomenal, cosmic power: in his case, it is the power to cage the stars themselves.

When FarmWife went away to a conference and left FarmHusband and FarmGrandpa in charge, FarmGrandpa came into my stall on some mysterious, wizardly business. He futzed about on a ladder. He snipped wires and turned screws. He hummed a tune as he worked, as is often his way.

Now, at the flip of a switch, a golden emanation descends from the heavens right here in my own little barn. Twin suns, miniaturized and domesticated, hang suspended forever by his magic. They do his bidding. They know his awesome, mulish strength. They call him master. I shall call him "GrandpaWhoTamesTheStars."


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