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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Grow Northwest

Are any of you interested in the agriculture/gardening/local food scene in the Northwestern Washington State? Do any of you get your carrots, hay, or mules from small farmers, or do any of you want to learn more about growing carrots, hay, or mules of your own?

You might know that FarmWife writes for Grow Northwest Magazine, a family-owned publication out of Whatcom County. I'm going to take the liberty of sharing a fundraising letter from the editor, as I think their mission is an important one:

"Dear readers, supporters and community members,  

Thank you for your support and interest in Grow Northwest magazine!

Grow Northwest is going monthly in March and we are raising funds through Kickstarter to support the magazine. We are an independent, family-owned publication, but operate much like a non-profit — we have a bare bones budget and strive to be a community resource.

We are hoping you can help us spread the word about our fundraiser as we try to raise $10,000 to help with initial costs in going monthly. As a thank you to donors we have t-shirts, subscriptions, stickers, gift baskets, etc. and will print all supporters' names in a special thank you section in print and on our website. Eternal thanks, hugs and high fives as well. 

Pledge a $25 donation and you receive a Grow Northwest t-shirt, sticker and your name in our special thank you section! Other thank you gifts also available. Any size donation welcome and appreciated.
Here’s the link:
THANK YOU for considering making a small donation and/or helping to spread the word. And please forward to anyone you think might be interested in our mission! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Take care, Becca

Becca Schwarz Cole
Grow Northwest magazine
editor@grownorthwest.comPO Box 30373 Bellingham, WA 98228"

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