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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Writing to the stars—a copy of my letter to Ewan

Ewan McGregor
United Talent Agency
9560 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 500
Beverly Hills, CA 90212-2401

Dear Mr. McGregor,

You mentioned your interest in owning a donkey during an episode of The Long Way Down, and I wanted to encourage you to give it a try. Donkeys are warm, affectionate, stoic, and charming creatures. Their needs are few: the company of humans and other equines, a healthy diet of grass hay and minerals, a safely fenced enclosure with shelter and room to move around, and regular hoof and veterinary care. It's likely within your means to provide these things, and you'll be repaid ten times over by your donkey with his humor, his kindness, and his antics.

Donkeys do best with a friend, and so I want to encourage you to adopt a pair. The Donkey Sanctuary, Sidmouth, Devon EX10 0NU, telephone +44 (0) 1395 578222, can provide you with additional information about finding and looking after a donkey in the United Kingdom, and there are a number of additional donkey charities in the UK, the United States, and around the world. Adoption is a responsible way to find a new pet, and the world is full of donkeys in need.

If you are interested in helping donkeys but don't want any of your own, I encourage you to extend your philanthropy to our hooved friends. I appreciate and admire your charitable work for children and impoverished people, and I hope that my suggestion will be taken as an addition rather than an alternative to your wonderful work in these areas. Monetary donations are sorely needed and I am sure there are dozens if not hundreds of worthy associations who would love some assistance in funding their efforts to help these hard-working and often maligned animals. has more information about donkey rescue and some webcams of their residents in the barn and yard. My own mule (the offspring of a donkey and a horse) lives in my backyard in Acme, Washington, and blogs at I'm including his picture on the enclosed card, and would very much appreciate a note from you to acknowledge receipt of this message. I'm including a SASE in case you would like to use it to reply.

Thank you,

Marnie Jones

(return address included in actual correspondence)

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