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Sunday, March 6, 2011

I pledge allegiance, as a mule, to the United States of America

What this country needs is a return to the land, to self-sufficiency, to community, and to good old fashioned hard work. What better to represent that than by freshening up our flag with an image of America's first best worker, the mule? It would be a beautiful homage to Royal Gift, George Washington's jack that started it all, and to the mules that were the economic engine of America before the industrial revolution.

It would be pretty, too.

Out of the goodness of my heart and the generosity of my spirit, I have taken some time out of my busy schedule (8 am—breakfast. 10 am—nap. 11 am—grazing. 12 pm—roll. 12:05 pm—more grazing. 1 pm—another nap) to volunteer my graphic design talents for this important project. I'm afraid, however, that the seamstressing will require a Betsy Ross type person with some sewing skills. Between these slippery, muddy hooves and the size of my ass, I just can't sit at the sewing table and make it work.

Fenway Bartholomule


  1. Many Excellent Points, Fenway!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The flag is terrific and by coincidence, here's a link to an article honoring war horses, mules and humans which appeared this morning about Allan MacDonald & Comanche (R.I.P.). I know dear Fenway that you will agree that this is interesting and important history!
    Fort Ord trail named after former Army horse soldier

    By KEVIN HOWE - Monterey County Herald
    Posted: 03/06/2011 01:30:57 AM PST

    At age 87, Allan MacDonald of Marina is still up for a six-mile horseback ride to visit the grave of an old friend -- Comanche, the last ceremonial horse at Fort Ord.

    "I have a little trouble getting my leg over the horse these days," he said Tuesday, "but I learned to ride in 1936, and I'm an old horse soldier. I rode out there last week."

    His rides start at Marina Equestrian Center, where he began a cooperative of retired and active Army horsemen who built stalls at the old Army veterinary clinic. ...

    To read full article search "Fort Ord trail named after former Army horse soldier"


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!