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Monday, June 21, 2021

A new face in town

This blog has been through a lot of changes: first it was Fenway's Brays of Our Lives, then it was my Puddle Run, then it was the two of them smashed together, then it was Notes from the Ark, and now it's Brays of Our Lives again, but with a twist: there's a new blogger in town. 

I'll let him introduce himself as soon as he's good and ready. In the meantime, I will tantalize you with this: he's 14.3 hands tall, 13 years old, and in possession of the most splendiferous ears and the most boopable snoot. He joined our family yesterday, on Summer Solstice, 3 years and 19 days after we lost my dear Fenway. 

It feels good to have a mule in my life again. 

Ears to you,

(Pictured: the new kid in a pipe corral paddock, since it seems that in his 13 years he has not yet learned about electric fencing. He is currently boarded at a place where he'll need to know about danger string. We will work on it.) 


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!