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Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Granny files

Did you know that I, Fenway Bartholomule, have some of the best human grannies in the whole wide world? Well, now you do. My human Granny Joan loves animals so much that she is even bringing a scraggly little kitten back to Washington from Florida after finding him on a business trip! He needed someone, and the only someone who stepped up was a woman who lived 3500 miles away. He's been to the vet, and is vaccinated, neutered, FeLV/FIV tested negative. He's going to be looking for a home in Cascadia after every Miami-area rescue refused him admission. Granny is also kind to hoofbeasts, and has opened her doors to cattle, goats, horses, llamas, dogs, cats, and birds in need! In fact, it was SHE who fronted the cash to make me a permanent member of the Jones household, after seeing how her adult daughter FarmWife had fallen head over heels for me.

My human Grammy Jane is pretty swell, too. She's the sort of woman who stops at the grocery shop for carrots after a full day's travel from New England to Wickersham, just to be sure she won't arrive without a treat for her favorite grandmule. That's dedication.

My human Grandma Leslie is renowned the world over for her delicious food, her beautiful garden, her pampered kitties, and her amazing talents as a hummingbird whisperer. FarmWife tells me that there are sometimes two dozen hummingbirds at Leslie's kitchen window all at once! Her garden is like a fairytale, but I know this second hand. I have not been entrusted to set hoof amidst its winding paths, hidden nooks, and fragile blooms.

That's OK. I'm all about the wide open pasture, anyway.

My wish for you—may your hay be fresh and abundant. May your trails be smooth and scenic. May your grandmothers be as kind as mine.


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