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Sunday, August 5, 2012


This feels like summer! It's 90 degrees, my legs aren't off-white anymore, and I—who abhors breezes, and like a nice stagnant room—actually have a fan on in my office.

I am loving my current lifestyle among the fully employed: half-time at the print shop, half-time at home as an editor, conference programmer, and journalist. It's a perfect mix between the camaraderie of traditional employment and the freedom of self-employment. It doesn't feel like too much. The paychecks show up like clockwork.

All's well in my world, and if the blog goes quiet for spell here and there then I hope you'll at least remember me as busy, happy, and gainfully employed.


p.s. in addition to all this work, there's play. My new favorite toy: Instagram. Look for my by username "didgery" to keep track of what I'm photographing!

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