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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hello, Musée du Louvre?

Hello, Musée du Louvre? I have some fine art for you! (On second thought, they can't have it. They would have to wrest this painting out of FarmWife's cold, dead fingers.)

Shaila Tenorio is more than my artist—she is my friend. When she visits, she tells me I am nice. She admires the bigness and the smallness of my respective nostrils and she notices the refined dignity of my majestically curving ears. She is, in addition to being a talented painter, an excellent judge of character. She likes me and my little mule too.

Shaila put a lot of time, energy, and talent into creating this spectacular painting and we owe her a debt of gratitude. It will hang on FarmWife's wall for all her life, and then it will hang on the wall of her daughters and her daughters' daughters.

Luckily, you too can invite me into your home! If you're interested in a fine art print on gallery wrap canvas or matte archival paper, use the dropdown menu at right to purchase directly from Shaila. Every purchase helps support her career as an equine artist and helps me thank her for her work on my behalf.


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