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Sunday, September 4, 2011

White hair stories

The first of three white hair stories: FarmWife came home covered in them. It turns out she has been seeing another equine! This horse—a CCI** eventer with a fancy schmancy brand—actually likes to do things like trot in circles, leg yield hither and yon, walk in straight lines (on the bit!), and extend within the gaits along the diagonal from F to H. Better her than me! Princess Many Hairs is shedding, it seems, and FarmWife's various black and brown riding ensembles do little to hide the evidence. FarmWife is lucky that I am not a jealous mule.

FarmWife is going to go ride Princess Many Hairs again soon. Princess Many Hairs has years of dressage experience, lovely gaits, a great attitude, and a covered arena. I welcome her to share these assets with FarmWife over the dark, wet winter—after all, I am the one with the tremendous ears, the teddy-bear snuggles, and the stupendous bray that she always comes home to.


1 comment:

  1. At the risk of offending His Royal Muleness, let me just say, she's bee-YOU-tiful! Are you really going to get some dressage time in? That's great...


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!