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Thursday, October 28, 2010

The events of the day

The top four events of the day—enjoyable, every one.

1) Mucking the paddock. Terribly fun! Amazing how enjoyable a task like this can be. Reminds me what it is to be alive, and why it is I love this mule about whom I blog so much. No—not because he poops rather a lot, but because he keeps his poops in tidy piles, and because while I am mucking he visits me with respectful requests for edibles and with polite offerings of ears to rub. To remove his stools is a pleasure and a privilege.

2) Visiting with K. and O.  These two live down the road on a beautiful riverside parcel in Acme, and K. happens to be the perfect company for me—a like minded mother, a horse loving rider, a happy wife. Her daughter O. is the perfect company for little R.—a doll-loving preschooler, with a penchant for dressing up like Marilyn Monroe. As it happens, K's husband and mine are out and about on mountain bikes as we speak. This is why I love Wickersham.

3) Attending the end of the month assembly at Acme school. Somehow, this rural congregation of 200-odd public school students managed to produce a wildly good 4th grade dancer—a young man who channelled Michael Jackson today, to wonderful effect, in his own fabulous production of Thriller. The kid had mad moves, and the accompanying zombie dance troop earns an A for effort.

4) Procuring funds. It is absolutely delightful to have a blog from which I can somehow milk hay money, and today I did just that via a commission-paying sponsor of Brays of Our Lives. A very hearty thank you to each and every one of my—and Fenway's—sponsors, supporters, readers, and friends. You make this happen.


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